Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy First Year Wedding Anniversary

Warren Woods, Sebastopol, California
The wedding of
Jesse Ford & Trevor Jenny
August 21, 2010

Jesse & her father, Gene, walking down the aisle

On the way to greet the most important person in her life.

This picture shows how truly happy Trevor was that day.
I will never forget my conversations with both Jesse & Trevor about getting married.
They both just wanted so much to be married and together forever!

J & T saying their vows with Uncle Randy Vice presiding.

Candy Bags, soon to be filled with scrumptious treats!

This is the candy bar that Jesse wanted, knowing that Trevor is the biggest candy freak ever. 
We hunted and searched for the containers, I ordered all the candy and my sisters put this display together.  It turned out so colorful and fun and I have to say there wasn't very much left at the end of the day!

A nice romantic moment!

A nice, creative photo

Beautiful Girl, Beautiful Bride

Isn't nice to see true love just flow?!

Getting ready to toss the bouquet.

A treasured moment between mother & son.
So Sweet!

Dad & Daughter before the wedding.

Maid of Honor, Sarah, with her bestie, Miss Jesse.

The rings and bouquet...a very artistic photo.

Table decor.  Flowers were graciously provided by Walt & Kathy Jenny.
Walt arranged everything, I made the table signs and this was all Jesse's ideas.

"Just Married" signs
We had these made special for the wedding.
The carriage was provided by Warren Woods and that is where all the gifts were placed.

Really, it was all about the Shoes!!!!

Kathy Jenny made this absolutely amazing wedding cake!

I wanted to write a bit about this day of one year ago.
Planning this wedding was definitely a time where the work was fun and just got all the creative ideas flowing.  It was not easy, as we did this seperated by distance.  Many hours were spent on the phone and on the internet  passing ideas back and forth and discussing all the details.  A couple of trips to Utah to plan and visit and then in no time at all the time just flew by and the day was fast approaching!
We rented a house in Bodega Bay for our family to spend the weekend.  We started by loaded the cars full of everything and then making the trek to the coast.  I think we spent a lot of time loading and unloading things!  Friday was spent putting up location signs and then the rehearsal dinner.  Kathy & Walt did an amazing job on providing a wonderful meal and fellowship for that evening.  They made croissant sandwiches, salads and even homemade pies!
To wind down the night, I had prepared a slideshow of photos of Jesse & Trevor over the years...lots of memories and lots of happy tears.  After the dinner, we all went back to the house and got clothes ready for the wedding and all the girls spent the night talking away. 
Wedding morning came and Michelle, my hairdresser arrived to get all the girls ready and beautiful.
Michelle is a wonderful person and so good at her work...she has also become a wonderful friend.  She also was our hairdresser for Corey's wedding and she gets tears in her eyes when she places the veil on the bride!  So, of course, when that happened...we all got tears in our eyes too.  I guess that is truly the moment, at least for me, when it hit me, this was all for real and my baby was getting married!  I was also going to add a son to my family!  I now have three sons and can say, "My Three Sons!".
This was also a great time for just hanging out, bonding and just enjoying each other's company.  After everyone was done, we made the trip to the wedding start the celebration!  There are so many wonderful moments that occurred during that day...too many to write about, but they are all treasured and when I think of them...I still get teary-eyed. 
The one I will tell you about is a moment I had with Jesse in the car a few days before her wedding...we were just talking about things and she turned to me and said, "Mom, I am getting married on Saturday" and then she started to cry....happily...but so many tears...and then of course we were both doing it and then started laughing!
I guess if you ask me what I thought most about during this time, I would tell you, that this is all about making my daughter's dreams come true.  I think I/we (her father, family & friends) accomplished that and I am very proud of being able to give her that...a dream, it was a wish her heart made. 

I love you Jesse and Trevor!
You fill my heart!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely couple and great photos as they begin their lives together!
