Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding Heaven

Each day I try to find "beauty" in my day....I usually find it as I am driving to work in the morning. I can find it in the vineyards, fog rolling over the hills, a hot-air balloon, a really cool car, cloud formations, the mountains...but I try to find something. Today as I was driving home from work, I saw some really cool cloud formations, as the sky was turning to rain...bright blue sky, sun blazing and there was a hole in the clouds with God's sun rays shining down through the billowy white. That is where I find heaven. I said out loud, "Hi Kathy!" Hello to my sister in heaven who left us going on 18 years! But, that is where I find the opening of the clouds, through God's sun rays. This time when I said that, I did not get teary-eyed, I just smiled!

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